Population: 7 500
Location: 265 km north west of Sydney, Australia
Height above sea level - 470 m
From the Mudgee tourist website ( Welcome to Mudgee-Gulgong, http://mudgee-gulgong.org/. Mudgee Gulgong Tourism. 2002.):
"Under four hours pleasant driving from central Sydney, a special country experience awaits you, offering world renowned wines, great places to stay, quality foods of the region, outstanding art and ceramics and an opportunity to experience the history and heritage of Australia at a grass roots level.
"The English translation for Mudgee is Nest in the Hills and describes the large undulating valley ringed by ancient, extinct volcanoes. This valley is now home to Mudgee and nearby towns. In Aboriginal mythology, this distinctive landform provided the semblance of a gigantic nest."
So it's a nest to all people. And it is a lovely country experience, but it is most famous for its honey. And it is the setting for the movie The Nugget.