The hardly cheesy, extremely innovative and discredited early eighties movie that was produced in no small part by big names Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas. These two men would not put their valuble time into a cheesy, hardly worth it production.

Return to Oz was the sequel to the smiley, happy go lucky movie, The Wizard of Oz, which bore no resemblence to the books written by L. Frank Baum about Dorothy Gale's adventures in the mystical world of Oz.

Return to Oz was a very accurate portrayal of one of the books, contains vast amounts of symbolism, and is was way ahead of its time. Fairuza Balk is much closer to the intended age of Dorothy and the counts of refernces to real-world happenings at the time is insurmountable. Eerie and entertaining, Return to Oz is not a film to be underestimated. Rent it, check it out for yourself.