Physicist, b. 1862, d. 1947. Philipp von Lenard studied physics in many places, including Budapest, Vienna, Berlin, and Heidelberg, under many famous scientists. He received his Ph. D. from Heidelberg in 1886.

In the early part of his career, he worked at many different universities. HIs early research was mostly in mechanics. Later, he became interested in phosphorescence and luminescence.

In 1888, when he was working at Heidelberg, his research became focused on cathode rays. He invented the "Lenard window", which allows cathode rays to become purefied, and allows for easier research. He studied cathode rays and determined several of their properties, including the distances they can travel in a vacuum or in air. As well, he did some careful experimental work on the photoelectric effect in high vacuum.

In his later years, he did work on the spectral lines of different elements.

He received the 1905 Nobel Prize

"for his work on cathode rays".

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