<tkeiser> I liked the scene in Black Swan where Pam Grier shoots the pimp in the back and Fred "The Hammer" Williamson runs him over with a car.
<Halspal> No, you're thinking of Black Caesar.
<Halspal> This film is totally different.
--From the catbox, 18 Oct. 2011
Nice. But, easy a mistake as it is to make, it was not Pam Grier who appeared in Black Caesar at all, but Gloria Hendry (who appeared, as well, as the first black Bond Girl in Live and Let Die, and had earlier been a Playboy Bunny). Sadly, Hendry has not seen Quentin Tarantino come along and fashion a career reviving vehicle of the sort he made for Grier. And, oh, hey, while we're on the subject, what is Tarantino up to these days? Plotting and planning, that's what. To be more specific, after he finishes Django Unchained (an audacious Southern slave-defeats master sort of thing) he'll be writing Kill Bill: Volume 3, aiming for it to be released in 2014. This next installment is likely to feature the go at revenge by Nikki Bell (the daughter of the Vernita Green character, Green having been killed when she brought a gun to a knife fight in her own kitchen in the first film). Bell was played by a then-preteen Ambrosia Kelley (the character was supposed to be, like, 4; Kelley was then 7); as it happens, Kelley is still a working actress. So yeah.

And the node audits just keep rolling along:

The Custodian -- on page 33 out of 40.... This is getting heavy, folks.
wertperch -- on page 4 out of 10 -- and I'm just getting warmed up!!
gnarl -- on page 2 out of 6 -- trust me, this won't hurt a bit.

Thinking ahead now, who else ought I audit? Custo is surprisingly near the end, and wert and gnarl won't take very long.... suggestions welcome!!

Random update: Think I'll randomly node-audit Shaogo and Sketchwick, just since they daylogged here with me. Blessings!!