This sketch was performed by the french comedian Coluche, and basically made fun of left-wing/protest songs that were very popular in the sixties and the seventies (Think Bob Dylan here). The most interesting is that Coluche was himself pretty left-wing minded, but he was a comedian and just had the need to make fun of everything. For those who understand french, you will notice the phrase construction is full of clichés, for the others there's a translation below.

Les Salauds !
Chanson engagée.
Une chanson contre les bourgeois, qui crache son venin à la face de la société.
Sans blague ! On va pas se faire emmerder, non !"

1.Mon pere est mort a la guerre,
Mon frere se tue au travail,
Et les salaud s'en moquent bien,
Que l'on creve comme des chiens !
Les salauds !
Les salauds !

2.C'est a la sueur de notre front,
Que les salauds gagnent leur pognon.
Et il nous jettent pour faire ripaille,
Les copeaux de notre travail !
Les salauds !
Les salauds !

3.Oui mais un jour on sera fort,
Et dans les villes, et dans les ports,
Les hommes leveront leurs poings
Pour foutre dans la gueule des rupins !
Des salauds !
Des salauds !

4.Alors ils nous enverront leur police
Mais comme on sera les plus nombreux
On leur foutra sur la gueule
Non mais ! Les salauds
Et moi si y'en a un qui me cherche
Je lui casse ma guitare sur la tête.

A song against the middle class, spitting its venom towards the face of society

1.My father died in the war
My brother kills himself at work
And the scumbags don't give a fuck
'bout us dying just like dogs
The scumbags
The scumbags

2.It's with our very own sweat
That the scumbags earn their big bucks
And they throw to us as mere reward
Just pieces of what we worked for
The scumbags
The scumbags

3. But one day we will be strong
And in the cities, and in the harbors
Men will rise the fist
And put them in the faces of the rich
Of the scumbags
Of the scumbags

4. Then they'll send us their police
But as we'll be more numberous
We'll kick their ass
What the fuck ! The scumbags.
And If someone wanna fight
I'll break my guitar on his head !

Breaks his guitar and crushes it. the orchestra starts playing the Internationale