Bar the computer, modem, and high speed Internet connection, of course.
- user since
- Tue Mar 15 2005 at 22:24:04 (19.9 years ago )
- last seen
- Thu Jul 8 2010 at 10:33:59 (14.6 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 2 - View Nonnesuch's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 0 (Initiate) / 40
- mission drive within everything
- To gain affirmation that people are, contrary to everyday appearance, beautiful and sensitive creatures.
- specialties
- I'm good at a lot of stuff, not great at anything.
- school/company
- It's not important.
- motto
- Mostly, stuff just happens. Live with it.
- most recent writeup
- Behind Closed Doors
- Send private message to Nonnesuch
The best thing |
User Bookmarks:
- 'Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad' (idea)
- 1 Cloud + 1 Cloud = 1 Cloud
- 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (thing)
- 20 ways to pamper your lover without spending a fortune
- 278 Books You Should Have Read By Now (idea)
- 80% of the wealth on this planet is in the hands of about 220 people
- A $30 recipe for sublime horror (thing)
- A Few Maxims for the Instruction of the Over-Educated
- A flip dark chill winter bastard though dry
- A Man's Salad (thing)
- Advice for people in Long Distance Relationships
- All your base are belong to us
- Alternatives to "Oh Shit!" when visiting the Great Aunts
- Amazing what you can do with a paperclip and a snapped elastic band
- An Experiment you can do to see if your newspaper is indeed Liberally biased (idea)
- Applying to a British University
- Are you a REAL American?
- Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
- Arthurian Mythology (idea)
- Bad fiction has a price
- Barguest
- Be Careful What You Study Too Closely (essay)
- Being a Christian is magical and foolish: Maybe we're all caught up in a collective psychosis
- Bissextile
- Blackened sun-dried tomato and Brie pizza with mayonnaise-mustard dipping sauce
- Book of Very Common Prayer
- Cheating on tests
- Chilling cruelty of children
- Choose your next witticism carefully Mr. Bond; it may be your last
- Choosing an internet nickname
- Christian view of the Big Bang
- Converting Pi to binary: Don't do it!
- Depressing but probably true rules of life
- Designing a Fantasy World
- Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando
- Dictionary of Classical Mythology
- Dinosaurs in the Bible (thing)
- Do-It-Yourself Depression Control (idea)
- Don't kill yourself until you've completed the checklist
- Don’t worry, this is only a costume that makes me look like an adult (person)
- Edward Gorey
- Ender's Game
- English As She Is Spoke
- Everyday uses for the tachyon
- Facite ludos, reponite pecuniam
- Fascism and Oppression - Know the Signs!
- Fifteen Elvish ways to die (idea)
- Findings:
- Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Fuck this; I'm having butter
- Generic Star Trek problem solving
- Gentleman's Code
- Getting a free soft drink anywhere in North America
- Girls are hotter when they're comfortable
- God has sent you this experience in order to deepen you (idea)
- Good practical jokes
- Harry Potter Spells
- Having gotten myself into a position where I can have my cake and eat it too, I feel no compulsion to get up from the table
- Hedgehog's Dilemma
- Hermann Goering on unpopular wars (idea)
- Hidden Message behind the New York Times hacking
- Hiding things in discount stores
- Highlights from Star Trek's "Starfleet Ship Design Manual" (chapter 7, "Designing the bridge")
- How much does Milliways really cost?
- How not to transmit information faster than light speed (essay)
- How to appreciate jazz without really trying
- How to display the second hand on a digital clock radio
- How to distinguish a Dragon
- How to fight and kick ass
- How to find out if ANY number is divisible by eleven
- How to give a shoulder massage
- How to harass someone who doesn't even get online using IRC
- How to hook a TV up to a computer (idea)
- How to insult someone using calculus
- How to kick ass at a job interview
- How to kill a person with a newspaper (idea)
- How to kill your mates on Everything2
- How to lessen fantasy cover clichés
- How to turn a tiny illustration into a poster-sized masterpiece (idea)
- How to write an "A" paper with minimal effort
- humanism
- Humour: D&D Third Edition
- Hylozoism
- I do my best to avoid Sleep's sticky tendrils
- I like you. Now let me tell you all my flaws.
- I used to love women from afar. Of course, now they call it stalking. (idea)
- I want to rip off your logic and make passionate sense to you (idea)
- I will show you fear in a handful of dust
- I'd already be a Buddhist if it weren't for all these damn spiders (idea)
- I've been duped by Satan!
- Idiots will ruin everything, eventually (idea)
- If only the spaghetti westerns were half as good as their titles
- impractical jokes
- Insert cockroach #2 and press enter (idea)
- Interbastation
- Interview with God
- Interviews at the University of Cambridge
- Interviews at the University of Oxford
- Introducing yourself to the large-breasted woman
- Introducing yourself to the small-breasted woman
- Is Humanism Molesting Your Child? (thing)
- It was a dark and stormy night
- Jennifer, is she your friend?
- Keeping a severed head alive
- King's Gambit
- Knife throwing
- Learning European history from Porn
- List of recorded anomalies in T-9000 operation (partial) (idea)
- Logical fallacy (idea)
- Lorem Ipsum (thing)
- Love is the suspension of disgust
- Love poem from the monsters under my bed
- Marketing automobiles to gay Americans (idea)
- Massage tricks and tips
- Masturbation is Bad
- Maybe Yes, Maybe No
- Metaphor for the lives we're living
- My tongue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this soil, this air, (idea)
- No one asks me if I'm a Satanist or anything because I take the precaution of wearing a predominantly flannel and hawaiian shirt-oriented wardrobe
- No one says anything important during the day
- node-fu
- nontheist
- Now I am become grey, the creator of worlds
- Numbers Station
- O Lord Thou pluckest me out (idea)
- O what a tangled web we weave
- Omegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pie
- Pangram
- pasta with roasted vegetables and creamy pesto sauce (recipe)
- phronesis (idea)
- Plural forms of "clitoris"
- Prepare me a ship of which the half-rotten timbers shall be painted black, let the sails be in rags, and the sailors infirm and sickly (idea)
- Psalms of the Convenience Store Clerk: Hum, Blessed Beer Cooler (thing)
- Raising altruistic children
- Rebellion is cool. Cool sells. Baa...
- reverse the polarity
- Risotto for the cheating chef
- Roasted pepper cheesecake (recipe)
- Roasted vegetable lasagne (thing)
- Robert Lionel Fanthorpe fills up the word count in a science fiction novel: she brushed her teeth
- Rules by which a great empire may be reduced to a small one
- Saint Geoffrey's day
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- Scary, xenophobic subtexts in The Matrix
- She sang of fantastic green islands, and sparkling fish, never telling that she haunted the waters
- Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
- Skype
- Solomon Kane
- Some observations on getting a girlfriend (idea)
- Sometimes, when no one is looking, I am beautiful (idea)
- Star Treatment
- Strange things homeless people have said to me
- Stupid math tricks
- Stupid Word Tricks
- Swaip (definition)
- Teach yourself to play chess
- Ten reasons why creation scientists don't believe in evolution
- The 13 Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love
- The 48 Laws of Power
- The Art Of Insulting - Chapter V - Intelligence Insults
- The Art Of Insulting - Chapter XII- Excerpt from the 1992 World Insulting Championship Final in Brussels (Vassilyevich vs. White) (thing)
- The Awful German Language
- The Big Boffo Book of Daemons
- The Cat in the Hat by William Shakespeare
- The day I realized what being alive was
- The day I truly believed in Santa Claus
- The dog who would not beg
- The feeling you get when you hold someone's hand
- The flame to end all flames
- The future of the Star Trek franchise (essay)
- The Lojban attitudinal system
- The most beautiful chess move ever played
- The only thing stopping us is the pressure. If your machine can withstand it, we are already on our way. (idea)
- The parable of the three lords (idea)
- The point at which your carefully woven story falls to pieces
- The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed
- The pretty girl has no friends
- The Princess Bride
- The Princess Diaries
- The Raven
- The revolution will not be televised
- The time I accidentally made napalm and almost burned down the physics lab
- The twelve words of power (idea)
- The Two Men Who Were Enemies
- The Unperfekthaus (place)
- The World's Shortest Horror Story
- The world's worst chess blunders
- Theories on the Origin and Nature of Language (idea)
- There Will Come Soft Rains
- Things I learned in one week of college (idea)
- Things I need to tell my teenaged daughters about boys
- This food contains no chemicals. That's right, it's made of pure energy.
- This freaking obsession with really abysmal porn
- This product was tested on cute, furry animals with big, sad eyes
- This Vicious Cabaret
- Tips for writing an English teacher-approved classic
- To thine own self be true
- Top 10 Reasons to elect Giant Squid
- Top ten ways to fuck up your kids
- Turkey City Lexicon: A Primer For Science Fiction Workshops
- Turning a dorm room into a room
- Uberman's Sleep Schedule (thing)
- Unhealthy views of female sexuality
- Vegetarian meals that aren't just brown gack
- Warning signs that your child may be a Goth
- Watch out! This chair will suck the life force out of you
- We all love movies and books about us owning ourselves
- Welcome to Everything
- Wharfinger's Law of Diminishing SF Sequels
- What does your hometown smell like?
- What girls aren't taught
- What is wrong with Star Trek?
- What to do with that insane amount of shaving cream you have just lying around
- What would Machiavelli do?
- When Chopin finished a piece he stopped writing it (idea)
- Why I am going to pretend I am a girl online from now on
- Why I dislike the term "making love" (idea)
- Why I wear black
- Women who are bred to be ornaments
- Words of Advice for Young People
- Would you mind terribly if I kissed you now?
- Writing a Novel is Hard
- You are just an animal and you will die
- Your Boyfriend Hates You
- Your radical ideas about roman numerals have already occurred to others