Let I be an ideal in a commutative ring R. The radical of I is defined to be
rad(I) = { an : a is in I and n is a positive integer }.
Note that I lies inside its radical (take n=1). An ideal that equals its radical is called a radical ideal. A commutative ring is called reduced if the zero ideal is radical.

Lemma rad(I) is itself an ideal of R.

Proof: For if a,b are in rad(I) and r is in R then think about (a-b)m. Expand this using the binomial theorem and we get a linear combination of terms like arnm-r. As long as m is big enough either the power of a or the power of b will lie I. Hence, so does (a-b)m. Likewise (ar)m=amrm will lie in I for large enough m.

Examples In the ring of integers Z the ideal 20Z has radical 10Z. In general

rad(p1n1...ptntZ) = p1...ptZ
for distinct primes pi and positive integers ni.