I finished the camosun college meachanical engineering bridge to UVic in December of 2012. I must say, the name "hell march" is an understatement. You won't be seeing the light of day. The material is tough in the sense that I found it to be a big step up from the technical diploma I obtained at SAIT. I mean it's 6 courses (demanding ones at that) in 3 months...what do you expect? Everyone I know that went there got through it, but there wasn't one person there that didn't put in the necessary effort. Anybody can get through it, but if you aren't sleeping or eating, you will be doing things such as: walking to the bus, riding the bus, walking from the bus to school.If you have a vehicle, you get my drift. You'll be spending the extra 20 minutes a day over a person that takes the bus..well...studying. There weren't many assignments in comparison to UVic (Just finished a semester at UVic as well), but there are many MANY more tests/quizes. They don't stop. You'll notice that at the end of the week you'll find yourself saying "I'm so glad that weeks over, we'll get a bit of a break now, right?". I laugh as I type this. I'm hysterically laughing. Every week we were in dissapointment because we realized that no, we don't get a break. For 6 straight months, there is no such thing. I'll break it down for you if you haven't gotten my drift yet:

Monday - Friday:
8 am - 5 pm: Fast-paced classes with a half hour lunch (usually while finishing assignments as well). Don't spill food on your paper.
5 pm - 11 pm: Studying for tests and/or completing assignments
(Sometimes...actually more times than not) 11 pm - 2 am: Studying for a test you have the next day.

11 am - 8 pm: Studying/homework

11 am - 8 pm: Studying/homework

I brought my golf clubs with me thinking I'd get out quite often (I'm originally from Calgary). I used them once BEFORE the bridge started. They collected 6 months worth of dust.

Now, don't freak out. For those of you that are energy freaks, it IS possible to go to the gym or run every now and then, but with all the work it really is the last thing you'll want to do. Still, it is possible, in a way.

Like I said before, everyone I know got through it and moved on to University. The transition from the bridge program to UVic was also a big one, but that's mostly due to a different teaching style. There's a rumor in the bridge. If you EVER hear someone say to you "I heard once you get through the bridge university is a breeze", take my word for it and slap em silly. It isn't true. Sure, its 6 courses in 4 months instead of 3. This doesn't matter. University material is more in-depth and assignments basically doubled in time consumption. (There is one assignment per week per class, and it usually took a full night to complete one assignment). Good news at UVic: Lots and lots of eye candy. Bad news at UVic: Little time to talk to any girl, plus the engineering building is a bit secluded.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents. If you WANT to become an engineer and are dedicated towards it, you'll get through. I remember being very nervous when I first started the bridge. Study your ass off, do the assignments, you'll be fine on tests. If you're UNSURE about becoming an engineer, stay home, go to work with your technology diploma.

If you decide to go and get through the bridge, you'll be fine in university. The university students love so-called "bridgies". Fun fact for the day: Bridge students usually average marks about 10% higher than university students. My 9-point scale GPA in the bridge was 4.9, 6.5 at UVic. The bridge really helps you to learn to manage your time and study.

Good luck bridgies

2012 Bridgie Grad