Welcome to Bear's sick day number two. This is in no way shape or form like Pee Wee's Playhouse. Bear's been off work and on the computer or reading or coughing up stuff (no details given because many many peoples said things like TMI). Every now and then he wanders around his apartment looking for something that won't completely and utterly bore him to death. This hasn't happened yet, but boredom is akin to being sick in the first place and it probably has something to do with that peer pressure being practiced by parts of his biology being deemed personality traits. This in turn is caused by the fact that while being sick Bear doesn't think straight...however you define that one...

So. As Bear takes a deep (or rather as deep as he can) breath, and begins preparations for lunch...it is looking to be a lovely amount of French onion soup with the French bread and Swiss cheese...(and they are called neutral...they just don't like to fight...who really does when faced with bitter losses...oops there I go again...)