user since
Sun Nov 28 1999 at 10:13:59 (24.6 years ago )
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0 (Initiate) / 3
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Atul Chitnis (person)
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Yep, this is where Karna hangs out - aka Gandalf on the Linux - India list and the ILUG Bangalore apart from slashdot. Well, if ya don't now who Karna or Gandalf are and don't care a s***, well join the club. You've arrived.
I wor.k on NT once in a way, but prefer to use my Redhat machine as often as I can. Which is pretty often. Considering that I runit off vmware, heh, heh...
Someone got here ahead of me, so both Gandalf and Mithrandir were gone, well, Karna will. have to do. I'm currently at UVCE in Bangalore.
Gandalf Mithrandir /* Mobilus in mobile */.