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Jane has 5 writeups:
C!s | Writeup Title (type) | Published |
forwards/backwards | newest/oldest first | |
24C!s | Steady these hands these hands steady these hands (person) | Jan 15 2004 at 17:05:04 |
13C!s | Welcome to heartache head (place) | Nov 22 2002 at 06:53:19 |
7C!s | Fucklust wanderland (place) | May 26 2002 at 06:05:43 |
13C!s | It feels like fingernails across the moon. Or do you rub your wings together? (place) | Jan 03 2002 at 04:25:59 |
18C!s | Now and just this moment, as is, in the present. Yes. (thing) | Nov 20 2001 at 11:55:03 |