This song was quite memorably covered by The Fall, and is available on The Beatles tribute compilation 'Sergeant. Pepper Knew My Father', and The Fall compilation 'The Collection'. Music-wise, the band stay pretty faithful to the original, and even Mark E. Smith tries his hardest and puts in a brave effort for a partially tone deaf guy, really working on the high notes. Unfortunately, the "let's get it note perfect" approach doesn't work so well here for the Fall, who are known to alter their covers quite abit (even the reasonably close to the original Kinks version of Victoria comes off as being delightfully skewed) - they mostly make the songs their own.

So would you want to listen to it? Think of this sung in roughly the same tune of the original, but about half a note (more on the high notes) off:
"Ah red th' news toDAY O boy-ah"
Interesting, but I'd say around 99% of noders would rather hear the original. I'm in the 1%, but even then I've still got to agree that The Beatles' one is better. Worth a spin, but you'll be laughing at Smithy, not with him.