Terminal Resistance

Two elderly, elegant gentlemen, relaxing in each other's company in a elegant club.

Sir T.: So, Humphrey, how did the opening of that monstrous Terminal of yours go? I hear that your political master was rather embarrassed.

Sir H.: (Chuckling) Oh Tarquin, you should have been there.

Sir T.: At the Terminal? Heavens no.

Sir H.: No, in my master's office. At one stage I thought I had to call an ambulance. But that's what you get when you let women into politics.

Sir T.: Indeed. Did you remind her that it was her that was mainly responsible for the chaos?

Sir H.: what? That it was her who proposed the bill for the reduction in parking spaces for baggage handling staff on airports in the south east to reduce the carbon foot print and tire use? Funnily she didn't remember. You know what happens if politicians don't read what they sign.

Sir T.: Golly. You just can't trust politicians.

Sir H.:(chuckling) Indeed.

Suggested and inspired by the best girlfriend ever