user since
Wed May 31 2000 at 00:18:50 (24.8 years ago )
last seen
Tue May 2 2023 at 18:16:42 (1.9 years ago )
number of write-ups
287 - View Halcyon&on's writeups (feed)
level / experience
12 (Laureate) / 7919
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
follow my node
biophysics, music
University of Pennsylvania
Chickens in a chicken coup wish they had some human soup.
most recent writeup
Send private message to Halcyon&on

My rooms on Monty Python's Flying Talker
or Halcyon&on's shitty ascii art gallery

           *******......           _____       _                     _
        ***********......            /   /_/ /_    /| /  /  /  /)   / \ 
     ******....  ****......         /   / / /_    / |/  /__/  / \  /__/
    *****....      ***.......                 
    ***....         ****.....
   ***....          ****.....
  ****...______|_______**.....                __   _          _
 ****...|no trespassing|**......            /     /_|  | /  /_
 ****...|______________|***.....           /__   /  |  |/  /_
*****..........|.....  ****.....

Marvin meets you at the entrance and hands you the blindfold.  You are led
through many twisting tunnels.  Marvin takes off the blindfold and you find
yourself surrounded by computers, books and lab equipment.  Here is where 
you can discuss science with impunity.  Revel in the beauty of mathematics.
Love nature for the infinite biochemical pathways it encompasses.  You are 
a NURD!  Enjoy!


                       o                 _       _       _
                      o                 |_)o _  |_ _ _  | \ _  _  _|
                       o                |_)|(_) | (_||  |_/(-'(_|(_| 
)____________________/)_________(            _/
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 \                  m         /         / _       o _   _  |_) _ _|_ _   |_
 |____________________________|         \_/(_)(_) || ) (_| |_)(_||| )|(_)|_)
                      __                       /

"I'm drunk, I'm nobody
 I'm drunk, I'm famous
 I'm drunk, I'm fucking dead."  - Denis Leary

   \                          V                         /   
    \                         |                        /    
     \                       _|_                      /     
      \                     (___)                    /      
       \                      O                     /       
         |                _____                    |        
         |                II_II                    |        
         |                |/ \|                    |        
         |                I___I     _____          |        
         |   _                     /____/|         |        
         |__| |____________________| oo ||_________|        
         /   oO~           ------  |____|/         \        
        /                 |:;BB;:|                  \       
       /                  |:;BB;:|                   \      
      /                   /______\                    \     
     /                   //      \\                    \    
    /                   //________\\                    \   
   /                   |___________|                     \  
  /                    o           o                      \ 
 /    roomwithaview                                        \

  (     )
 (    *  )
(         )
(   *  *  )__              ___      __       ___     __   __
 (       (   )              /  /_  /_         /  _  /_   /_
 ( |   |)  _)              /  / / /_         /  /  /_   /_
\ \\   | //                        
\\ \   |//_____                                __  __
 \\|    /  _   |                  /_/ __      /_  /_
  \\   |  |_|  |                 / / /_/ /_/ __/ /_ 
   \   |_______|-|
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  /     \      |-|

Well, you made it past my amazing ascii gallery. I commend you! Since this page is all about me, I think I'll call it...

Halcyon&On's lil Ego Trip

About me ...

I'm a graduate student (soon to be finished!) (ok, its been a while since I fixed this. I finished in 2000) in the biology program at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. I am interested in all aspects of protein structure. My primary training is as a spectroscopist, particularly UV spectroscopy of proteins. However, I've managed to spend a lot of my time doing molecular modelling and bioinformatic database mining and I look forward to integrating experimental and theoretical work into my career as a scientist. Soon I will be doing protein design at UPenn. I cant wait to get started. I play bass guitar, listen to electronic music (hence the moniker) and dance like a double jointed monkey on speed. I collect funky beverage bottles (recently the Snapple element line - Moon, Earth, Lightning, Gravity, etc) (why the hell did I ever do that. I'm such a freak. sheesh.). I like disturbing movies. My all time favorite is Jacob's Ladder and my all time favorite actor is Tim Robbins. I can touch my tongue to my nose and my left ball is bigger than my right one.(ok, that's still true) My poor car, a 96 Cavalier (The Cajun Lovemobile) is in the shop and may never get out =(.(yep, it never did.) You can find me on various ew2 talkers - usually MPFT ( 2010) or freehold ( 1313).(hmmmm... I dont think these addresses work anymore)

About my nodes ...

I like factual nodes. Science related stuff predominantly. By noding, I'm actually relearning basic things that I've forgotten or partially remembered so its good for me. (That's what I keep telling myself ...). Although I generally do not like subjective nodes and nodes about E2, I have been guilty on occasion to write a few myself: I also write about science philosophy, especially when provoked: Soon, I hope to add a list here of protein folding nodes and spectroscopy nodes, to be converted into metanodes when they are developed enough.

The Vacuous Panda