The small curve (a "little zed") under a C in French, Portuguese, and Catalan to indicate that it has the value S: when followed by A, O, or U. It formerly also had this function in Spanish, as in Sancho Pança, now written Sancho Panza.

In Turkish and Albanian under C it denotes the sound CH as in 'church'.

In Turkish and Romanian under S it denotes the sound SH as in 'ship'. The native name of Bucharest is Bucuresti with s-cedilla.

In Romanian under T it denotes the sound TS. The name Vlad Tepes, Vlad the Impaler or Dracula, contains both cedilla'd letters, so is pronounced TSEPESH.

In Latvian it is used under K G L N to indicate palatal sounds, that is roughly KY GY LY NY. It was also formerly used under R in this way.