Doublemint Gum is a type of chewing gum, made by the Wrigley's Gum company. As its name suggests, it is a mint flavored gum, and is in fact, a "double" mint gum, although I don't know if there is some type of international unit or USRDA for what is the standard dosage of mint in a chewing gum. And, as the leading mint chewing gum, "doublemint" would become the standard, making other gums "halfmint".

Anyway, not much to say about that. Its a gum. Its mint. Its ubiquitous.

What is more interesting is the gum's advertising campaign, which involves series of twins, or at least look alikes, engaging in activities, often ones with a romantic subtext, where they "pair off" with another couple, although sometimes they are just doing other activities, such as riding a tandem bike. Like other Wrigley's products, the somewhat sensual, even fetishistic nature of these ads are blunted by the absolute perkiness and wholesomeness of the fashions and demeanors of our spokesdoppelgangers. The classic barbershop quartetish sound of the 1980s was replaced with a more uptempo, hip-hop style ad in the 1990s, as "hip-hop" is understood by someone writing thirty second jingles for gum commercials, which is to say, not at all.

As previously mentioned, however mockworthy this ad campaign was, it must have worked, because I have remembered it for decades, and even bought a package of aforementioned gums when I went to the Dollar Tree the other day.