"Disorderlies" is a 1987 movie released as a vehicle for rap group The Fat Boys, who starred as the titular "Disorderlies". It also starred acclaimed actor Ralph Bellamy as elderly billionaire Albert Dennison, and Anthony Geary as Dennison's villainous nephew Winslow Lowry.
Winslow Lowry is heavily in debt from a life of compulsive gambling, and is hoping that his infirm and very wealthy uncle will pass away. When his uncle isn't dying soon enough, he decides to replace his orderlies with the most incompetent help imaginable: which turns out to be three obese and clumsy orderlies recently fired from a Brooklyn nursing home. But surprisingly to him, but totally unsurprisingly to the audience, the wacky, childish antics of the Fat Boys actually manages to revive Dennison. Lowry then resorts to more immediate action, but again in keeping with cinematic convention, these are defeated by the Fat Boys, and everyone learns a valuable lesson.
Even the brief description above is perhaps too much description of the film's plot, which isn't important. Basically this film is a Three Stooges movie, with the Fat Boys taking the part of the Stooges. The plot set-up is an excuse for a series of slapstick skits which are mostly based on The Fat Boys most pronounced attribute. Does 90 minutes of scenes of fat men falling on things and falling off of horses and trying to hide under sofas seem like the type of cinematic experience that would appeal to you? If you like this type of thing, it is pretty well done, although not extraordinarily so.
There are two things noticeably missing from the movie. One is that while many musicians have transitioned from music to film, they usually choose roles that somehow involve music. In this movie, the musical talents of The Fat Boys are missing, except for in one scene. Which is a shame, because while their acting is adequate, it seems that they have much more talent for music. Secondly, this movie has very little of what would later be called "Hip-Hop Culture". A year or two after this movie came out, almost all rap groups would turn towards images of being tough, streetwise, confrontational, or even criminal. But in the mid-1980s, rap was still seen by most as just another colorful, entertaining and (mostly) non-threatening fad.
As Seanbaby noted, the best use of this movie is as a historical document of just how crazy the 1980s were. Other than historical curiosity, all of the actors turn in good performances (including one of Ralph Bellamy's last roles), and while it isn't spectacular, it is certainly fine entertainment.