It is April Fools Day by server time, but not by local time. But a great day to share a piece of news that many of you might think is a joke of some sort. Also, relevant to that, this writeup is my 180th writeup in 180 days.

So here is my news: I am attempting an iron year. 360 writeups in one year. (Since Iron Noder is 30 writeups in once month, I just multiplied that by 12. I might actually make it to 365, but I gave myself a few days off). This is an average of one writeup a day over a year long span. I don't have a particular start date or end date in mind, I am just waiting for the number of writeups in the last year to reach 360. I have been pretty consistent since five months ago, and now the question is whether I can keep the pace up for another 7...or 6. I might have a burst of speed. I might get tired. I don't know. All I know is, I like writing, and I like the thinking and research that writing causes.

A few caveats:

  • Just like with iron noder, anything goes. I can include facts, fiction, poetry, personal stuff. Long stuff, short stuff. Whatever crosses my mind.
  • No limit on the amount of logs I can write. Iron Noder says 5 logs per month, if I scaled that up, I would have 60 logs allowed in a one year period. So far, in the past five months, I have 12, so it doesn't look like I will get close to that number. But if I want to daylog all of June, I might do that.
  • A personal rule: if I ever feel that I have run out of things to say, and that I am just slogging through, I will stop. This is a challenge, not a chore. I don't want to ruin my enjoyment (and yours) by writing pointless stuff for numbers. Of course, what I might find interesting might not be what other people find interesting.
  • I will also try to avoid too much recursive "writing about e2 on e2", although there will be some of that (including right now). I will also try not to engage in too much absurdism and in-jokes (except when I feel like it)

To me, this is not a challenge about numbers. I find that the more stuff I write about, the more stuff I realize, and the more I think and appreciate my environment. It is also not as time-intensive as some people believe: while I do spend about an hour a day writing now, I also spend about that much time watching people play Super Mario Maker on YouTube.

Also, if you have anything you think I should write about, feel free to message me.