A few months after the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival, you can go to the Nihonmachi Street Fair, which is also in San Francisco's Japantown but is held in August (in 2001, August 11 and 12). There's a lot of overlap with the Cherry Blossom Festival--food, a kids' area, traditional performances such as taiko--but one of the Street Fair's special themes is contemporary Japanese-American and Asian-American youth culture, especially music. Although there's a significant amount of Chinese and other non-Japanese Asian participation in the April festival, the Street Fair has even more. The distinctive and artistic fair posters have been designed by Chinese-American Leland Wong for the last 27 years. Some of the handscreened prints are in the collections of the Oakland Museum of California.

www.nihonmachistreetfair.org (even has a gallery of the posters--very cool)