A preview mode for usergroup discussion posts would be nice, but definitely not critical.
I would like to see nodeshells get the same deletion treatment as regular nodes. That is,
at minimum, I'd like to be notified when a nodeshell of mine is deleted, as well as who has deleted it.
It's probably on the books already, but being able to choose a criteria for sorting the Other Users list would be nice.
Timestamps on C!s when viewing a list of nodes a particular user has C!ed
On nodes that have been marked for destruction, we should be able to see both what the current rep of the node and the editor who marked the node.
Can I have a /lick command? No special reason, I just think we should be able to lick noders.
Rootbeer allowed styling usernames in the chatterbox; could we get the same functionality on the Other Users list? I currently use it to mark known trolls and whatnot; being able to see this at a glance without having to load the catbox would be nice.
Instead of using a checkbox and (r) for all of the chatterbox functions, why not just do (
r)? The checkbox should still be available when viewing the message inbox for mass deletion purposes. Bonus: For new users, show it as (delete)(archive)(reply) to avoid mismsgs.
Buttons for user-specific actions such as drag & borg on the Other Users list for chanops purposes would go a long way to making our job easier.
Can we have the E2 Email back?
A "clear all" button for the Notifications nodelet would be great.
What's the point of allowing unvotable nodes to post unhidden?
It would be more work not to. And they're only a temporary kludge. -dj
No point at all. You can't any more.-dj
Private Categories would be nice, as well as the ability to rename or remove them. On top of that, I'd like to be able to filter the Categories nodelet by maintainer since I don't usually care about anyone else's categories besides my own.
Some kind of new node posting speedbump oriented at newer users ("I see you've posted three nodes in the last ten minutes. Maybe you should give it another fifteen before posting something else?") seems like it could be useful. I imagine the editors are already doing something like this but it seems like one of those few chores we could safely automate without pissing anyone off.
Can someone change the list in the Drafts back to a numbered list? It was a lot easier to refer to specific drafts by number than by title.
The old list was in creation order. The new one is alphabetical, which makes things easier to find. dj