Pet name for the SS Enterprise (NX-01), popular on alt.startrek and Enterprise-related newsgroups. Earliest known use was by Justin O'Neill ( on July 11, 2001.

The term refers to the fact that the SS Enterprise design is extremely similar to the design of the USS Akira (NCC-63549) from Star Trek VIII: First Contact (the designer admitted it was based on the Akira.) The complaint is that the Akira Class Starship is from the second half of the 24th century while the NX-01 is from the 2140s or 2150s. This, of course, simply added fuel to the "stop bitching about ever little thing" flamewar.

Pictures of the USS Akira:


Pictures of the SS Enterprise:


One notable difference is the nacelles are higher than the saucer on the SS Enterprise and lower than the saucer on the USS Akira. Additionally, the top of the saucer section of the SS Enterprise is much smoother and less detailed than the USS Akira. Also, the names on the hulls are different. :-)