Bond is a game played mostly by teen-age
kids in the
dead of the night. Here the persons that are designated "it" drive around in their cars searching for the 10-15 other kids running around on streets, back yards, ext... The object of the game is for the people on
foot to reach a destination point before someone in a car sees them running down the street. What might you say happens then? People get hit, run down, trampled... A stupid game you say? Apparently not for hundreds of
drunken, bored teens finding yet another excuse for a good laugh at someone else getting hurt.
Bond is played most heavily in southern California although it has been known to exist in many western states and once in Puerto Villarte Mexico- but that resulted in one of the most tragic goat fires that land has ever seen. This game is a growing success and can be compared with other great games such as FSU Extreme, Chinese Fire Drills, and Stop Light Boxing. God bless America.