Sung to the tune of 'Hey' by The Pixies:
I will REMOVE your "All Your Radical Touching Base Are Already Occurred to The Lesbian Monkey Puppy" Philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby. Real or Malarky?
Said the man to the lady.
People who REMOVE your "All Your Radical Touching Base Are Already Occurred to The Lesbian Monkey Puppy" Philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby, doesn't kill people.
Said the lady to the man she adored and the whores like a choir go:
I will REMOVE your "All Your Radical Touching Base Are Already Occurred to The Lesbian Monkey Puppy" Philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby, doesn't kill people, jessicapierce's hot ass kills people. Real or Malarky?
all night, and Mary ain't you tired of this:
Don't force your "All Your Radical Touching Base Are Already Occurred to The Lesbian Monkey Puppy" Ate My Balls Philosophy on me, hatt-baby! GIVES YOU STRENGTH!
is the sound that the mother makes when the baby breaks.
We're chained.