The World of Krystonia was created by David Woodard and Pat Chandok. Currently there are four books: The Chronicles of Krystonia, The Krystonian Adventures, Krystonia III, and The Webb of Life.

The books are written as histories of a world that will be the far distant future of our world. The main denizens of Krystonia are humans, dragons, trolles, Om-ba-don, bobbles, and Majdron. Other races and individuals pop up throughout the books.

The books are, for the most part, bright and slightly cartoonish. The authors, however, have done their homework, and the anthropological detail is impressive. Each race has its own origin, history, belief system, and function in the world as a whole.

Far more popular than the books are the collectable figurines that have been spawned by the series. Around 200 characters and scenes have been turned into miniatures; most people who collect them know little if anything at all about what they are buying.

The Krystonian tales are an excellent bed time read for children, and can be a pleasant break from reality for adults as well. They can be purchased through