As opposed to the modified stationary panic, the full bore linear panic is where the scare-ie seeks to achieve maximum "escape velocity" from the scare-er by moving in a straight line away. Usually this happens when one is startled by something unexpected.

There are several features to this type of motion. If done correctly you can place yourself very far away (read: light years) from the danger. It can also improve your health and shape you up since you've burned a lot of calories running at full speed. The natural boost of adrenaline also helps clear up hives and other allergic reactions.

Drawbacks include the fact that one must adhere to a linear pattern as much as possible. Things like other people and solid objects larger than yourself tend to disrupt the linear nature of this. Sometimes you can move past obstacles which may damage you or the obstacle. Indeed there is great risk of hurting yourself using this technique but this must be weighed against staying the general area of the scare-er.

This brings up the tricky question of when to stop the full bore linear panic. Sometimes your terrain makes this decision for you. Things like dead end alleys and very high cliffs make continuing the FBLP physically impossible. Other stop events are things like "out of danger" and unconsciousness brought about sudden assisted halting (like running into solid lamp posts).

Warning: this technique does not insure the removal of the dangerous situation. Your mileage may vary.

I have been told that this idea originated from an author Patrick F. McManus. I have not read the material but instead heard it from a friend and found it to be a sound theory.