Archidamus was a Eurypontid king of Sparta during the fith century B.C.. He is estimated to have ascended to the throne in 469 B.C. and his first great act took place in 464 B.C. where his quick thinking organised the forces that defended Sparta from the helots after the earthquake.

In 432 B.C. he argued that Sparta should not go to war with Athens, however he argued with Sthenelaïdas and the Spartans decided to go to war anyway, despite his seniority in the matter. He invaded Attica three times, in 431, 430 and 428 B.C., ravaging the crops, and in 429 he began the seige of Plataea. He died in 427 B.C., of old age.

He married twice, and was allegedly fined the first time, for marrying too short a wife.

He reigned for almost forty years, an almost unheard of feat at the time. He was a distinguished general, and an accomplished statesman.