user since
Tue May 25 1999 at 16:21:03 (25.2 years ago )
last seen
Tue Feb 4 2003 at 22:04:42 (21.5 years ago )
number of write-ups
2 - View DirtMerchant's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 7
mission drive within everything
inspire chaos wherever possible
inspiring chaos wherever possible
University of Utah/Cisco Systems
fligende kindersheise
most recent writeup
Orgasm as an evolutionary development
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Guess I should actually do something here.

Let's see, bio... bio. Well, here's the vital stats:
give to excessive fits of doodling
born to drum
long-haired hippy
open-source enthusiast
wanna be perl hacker (working on it)

I'm currently a student at University of Utah working towards a degree in CS. Been married since June of '99 to my wife Stacie. Currently working at Cisco Systems in the TAC