sometimes she's a good god, and sometimes she's an evil god, but she's always god. . .
i'm a props tech, in fact *the* props tech, on a show that originally had seven of us. i have control over one set of lights that's actually part of the set (a fireplace) and has to be controlled from backstage. it's all good. i've borrowed a costumer to help move stuff for two scenes. suddenly i get tapped on the shoulder. the stage manager wants my headset because hers is broken. i look at her like she's nuts and point at the assistant stage manager, who also has a headset. she shakes her head and pulls mine off me. i can no longer recieve the cue for the lights. i can sort of guess by the dialogue, but i can't tell if the actor is lighting the fireplace. luckily he catches on, and improvs: "damn logs are hard to light tonite!" i hit the slider, and all is well. until the director bitches me out for missing my cue. "i don't care if your ass is on fire and your headset was eaten by wolves! you will light it at the right time!" it was the last show i ever did. i was sick of getting screwed on every performance, and that was the last one.