a now-defunct publication design house based in albuquerque, new mexico. noBul was the brainchild of graphic designer Roe LiBretto and children's book artist David Bleischer, neither of whom were terribly happy with their corporate jobs. semi-accomplished mac tech Edward Breslin was an on-call intern, and the only tech on board for the full five years the company existed. in its final year of life, noBul also included a paid employee named Lenelle. noBul graphics died its final death in march of 1997, after Roe was in a car accident that impaired her ability to use one arm.

publications that passed through their hands included:
Around Albuquerque
Around Denver
New Mexico Business Weekly
New Mexico Dept. of Game and Fish Newsletter (a true triumph of design!)
New Mexico Symphony Orchestra programs
Wild About Reading (public library propaganda)

if you know of any that i missed (and i know i missed quite a few), /msg me.