So a few years ago, the news cycle was dominated for a brief time by a cheating sender of dick pics named Anthony Weiner.

I thought that was a hilarious coincidence, and also a stark demonstration of how little forethought this man had, because my God, man, you're a politician, you're a public figure, you're trying to build and maintain a reputation, you've got a name people can already snicker about, your name is Tony Wiener, and you cheat on your wife by sending dick pics? What the hell were you thinking?

I sometimes wonder if that entire incident didn't help to bring down the presidential campaign of Hilary Clinton. Mr. Schlong Photo was politically connected to her, in ways I have mostly forgotten.

And happened again. Once again, a man with a name that should have given him pause decided to fulfill his name, and thus help to bring down the career of a prominent politician. This time, it was a serial sexual abuser named Chris Pincher, whose awful ways were covered up by Boris Johnson until the story got out anyway and became the final straw in the back of Johnson's status as Prime Minister.

A sexual abuser named Chris Pincher. You can't make this shit up.

And then! As if that were not enough! The banker who just ran FTX into bankruptcy is named BANKMAN!

Someone is making this shit up, and I want to know who.

EDIT: Oh my God it's even worse, the man's full name is Anthony D. Weiner. Whoever is making this all up has the naming style of a fourth-grader.