An American city in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. Geneva is located at the northern tip of Seneca Lake. It's right between Ithaca, Syracuse, and Rochester (approx. 50 miles from each).

Geneva's slogan is "Sensational By Nature", which stresses the importance of tourism and outdoor activities on Geneva and the whole region. Numerous wineries are nearby and Seneca Lake has the usual boating/swimming activities.

Geneva is home to Hobart and William Smith Colleges. According to the Geneva Chamber of Commerce's website, the population is approx. 14,000. Having been there, Geneva resembles any number of other smallish quaint cities in the Finger Lakes region, which make a nice place to spend a summer afternoon.

A quick Yahoo search of "Geneva" shows there are towns/villages/cities of Geneva in Illinois, Ohio, Nebraska, Alabama, Florida, and Indiana (and likely a few others as well...)