
Second physics class after Particle Dynamics,or party-di, at Georgia Institute of Technology before the switch to the semester system. The greatest weed-out class ever. The jokes and horror stories of this class abound. For example, Georgia Tech's "symbol" is the shaft. E-mag is, however, the only class where, in addition to the shaft you were getting, they also supplied you with a vat of vaseline upon signing up. The general progression of one's school career upon taking e-mag was said to follow the pattern of e-mag, re-mag, three-mag, management. Showing that after failing Electro-magnetics three times one was quite ready to become the lowest-of-the-low and switch to the management major despite risking the ridicule of every engineering major at the school.

I managed to avoid this class by failing out of a completely different weed-out class, but we won't go into that.