Valor's Villainy is an online video project first developed in late 2009. It started when the team of Sid Broderius and Aldus Valor decided to become arch enemies. Originally the show was called "The adventures of Skitchman"

The show follows the antics of the struggling supervillain Col. Aldus Valor. Valor has no real hatred towards anyone who would be considered an arch enemy, rather hates his nemeses in an official capacity, requiring them to file paperwork with The Guild of Calamitous Intent.

He is served by a small handful of lieutenants. The first of which is Lt. Bishop. Bishop is a legendary (because he's good at his job) henchman who is never seen on camera because he is always working. The other two, slightly less competent lieutenants under Valor's command are Lt. Knight and Lt. Rook, played by Kyle McMasters and Eric Wolfe respectively.

Valor is also served by his mad scientist, Dr. Theodore H. Cannabinoid, played by Jaymes Joyner. Dr. Cannabinoid has an apparent drug problem and only brings half-baked schemes to Valor's attention.

Valor's first arch enemy in the series was the superhero Skitchman, played by Broderius. After the second episode, Broderius left the show, and Skitchman was apparently murdered by Valor.

Valor now faces a super scientist named Dr. Thaddeus Delpmann by way of harassing his son, Ryan Delpmann, played by Brandon Delp.

Horsey Takes Castle

Valor attempts to harass Skitchman by abducting his sidekick and feeding him to his Venus Man-Traps

Of Ants and Men

Valor takes his game to the next level by threatening the entire city of Spokane, Washington

Scary Christmas

Lacking an arch enemy, Valor must decide on another one before he does anything evil