Not too long ago, it seems, I was hanging out with my
friend, Sebastien Pascale, at his house. I was talking to a
girl I've been chasing on the phone. She spoke
French because of her dad. Sebastien was writing pleasant phrases on paper for me to say to her.
Tu es beau.
Tu es mon vie.
Suce moi, bohtay fatale. Ok Ok.. This one is sexual. It translates to, "Suck me fatal beauty." At the time I didn't know what this meant, but she caught it. Oops. No worries, she didn't mind."
Then came the bomber, "Je t'aime, ma biche."
I sat there sweating in the pungent silence. Biche... biche... I assumed it was a cognate for bitch, I finally said it. After I got out of the bathroom, I asked Sebastien what it meant.
He told me it meant "darling" and my heart rate came down from the roof. She liked that.