user since
Mon Apr 17 2000 at 23:30:12 (24.4 years ago )
last seen
Tue Jun 4 2002 at 08:21:07 (22.3 years ago )
number of write-ups
2 - View Talam's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 4
mission drive within everything
To humor and be humored.
Wasteing time, consuming large amounts of Mello Yello, and racking up a lot of bills
Indiana State
Logic does not apply here.
most recent writeup
I am not a patriot
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I am a computer science major recently accepted to a third college, Indiana State University. I am slacking off this semester, and only taking two classes, one being discrete mathematics and the other being a class teaching C++. I am also working at Wal-Mart, in electronics.