Marvel Comics' Overpower is a collectible card game (CCG). Controlling a team of four superheroes and supervillains, you must battle an opposing force to complete a mission. You win by either destroying the opposing team or completing the mission. You may also win if your opponent is forced abandon his or her mission.


  • Power Cards: Your basic attack and defense, Power Cards have a value from 1 to 8. Depending on your character's abilities, he or she (or it, I guess) may use anything at or below his ability level. There were originally three types of Power Cards: Energy, Fighting, and Strength. Later on, Marvel added Intellect.
  • Character Cards: These are your superheroes and villains. I've basically already described their characateristics in Power Cards.
  • Basic Universe Cards: These cards represent situations within the game. They have ability requirements and give your heroes bonuses depending on the card. Basic Universe Cards must be discarded after use.
  • Universe: Training Cards: These cards represent weaknesses in certain characters' abilities. By matching up a maximum ability score, you may give your characters bonuses just like Basic Universe Cards.
  • Universe: Teamwork Cards: Represent an allied assault by two or more of your superheroes. The combined attack yields superior results.
  • Universe: Ally Cards: Again, like Basic Universe Cards, these cards provide bonuses to your superheroes by having allies - not necessarily other playable characters - jump in and provide temporary aid during battle.
  • Tactic: Doubleshot Cards: Like Universe: Teamwork Cards, Tactic: Doubleshot Cards represent two teammates working together in attack or defense.
  • Tactic: Artifact Cards: Represent the mysterious artifcats that reside in the Marvel universe. These strange and sometimes out-of-this-world relics provide great strength to those who can use them.
  • Special Cards: Yeah, Marvel is running out of names now. Special Cards represent the special, innate abilities of each superhero and villain - each character has their own specials.
  • Mission Cards: The mission objectives and requirements appear on these cards. They are used to keep track of who is winning the game as well.
  • Event Cards: As unique to each mission as Special Cards are to each character, Event Cards represent different situations during the missions and always effect both players.
  • Location Cards: Introduced in Monumental Overpower, Location Cards give bonuses (found on its Innate Ability) to the characters found on its Character List. Location Cards can serve as your Home Base or your Battlesite.
  • Activator Cards: Other Character Cards that can be shuffled in your deck to assist you if you are using certain Location Cards.


 / V8                                                                        \
{-----=====   M A R V E L   O V E R P O W E R   C A R D   G A M E   =====-----}

O P   H E R O E S / C H A R A C T E R S    (Energy-Fighting-Strength-Intellect)

 Hero/Character Name  PreIQ (Tot)  Grid (Total)  Inherent Ability

 ABSORBING MAN                     5-5-7-1 (18)  "Molecular Mimic" from Reserve
 THE ACOLYTES                      7-6-3-3 (19)
 ADAM WARLOCK         7-2-5 (14)   7-2-5-6 (20)
 ALPHA FLIGHT                      4-7-4-6 (21)
    ANGEL: THE FALLEN              6-7-4-3 (20)
 APOCALYPSE           6-4-4 (14)   5-5-7-6 (23)
 BANSHEE              7-4-3 (14)   7-5-3-5 (20)  Teammates' Trainings +1
 BARON MORDO                       7-3-2-6 (18)
 BASTION                           3-2-4-7 (16)  Sentinels Sp, IPc not shifted
 BEAST                1-5-6 (12)   2-5-6-7 (20)
    BEAST: THE BRUTE               3-6-7-1 (17)
 BETA RAY BILL                     5-4-7-6 (22)  May play any Thor Specials
 BEYONDER                          i-i-i-i (28)  Play Teammate Specials, no OPD
 BISHOP               5-6-4 (15)   6-7-4-3 (20)
 BLACK CAT            3-7-3 (13)   3-6-3-4 (16)  Power cards +1 for defense
 BLACK KING                        3-3-6-7 (19)  Play Hellfire Club Specials
 BLACK PANTHER                     2-7-5-6 (20)
 BLACK WIDOW          2-7-2 (11)   4-7-3-6 (20)
 BLOB                 3-3-7 (13)   4-5-6-1 (16)  No Spect KO w/ S Power cards
 BROOD                4-7-5 (16)   3-6-6-4 (19)  May have dup "Brood Spawn"
 BULLSEYE                          4-8-4-2 (18)
 CABLE                6-5-6 (17)   7-7-4-5 (23)
 CALLISTO                          2-6-3-5 (16)  Morlocks Sp, "Caliban" fr Rsrv
 CAPTAIN AMERICA      1-7-5 (13)   2-8-4-6 (20)
 CAPTAIN BRITAIN                   4-4-7-6 (21)
 CAPTAIN MAR-VELL                  6-6-6-4 (22)  Energy Rating is 8 for defense
 CARNAGE              3-7-5 (15)   5-7-4-2 (18)  Team +5 to Venture when KO'd
 CEREBRO                           6-3-3-8 (20)
 COLOSSUS             4-4-7 (15)   1-5-7-4 (17)  No Cum KO w/ S Power cards
    COLOSSUS: AGE OF APOCALYPSE    2-5-7-3 (17)  Attacks w/ S Pc not shifted
 CRUX                              6-6-2-3 (17)  Avoid any attack w/ a 1I Pc
 CRYSTAL                           7-4-3-3 (17)  May play any Inhumans Specials
 CYCLOPS              7-4-3 (14)   7-4-4-5 (20)  "Fearless Leader" from Reserve
 DAREDEVIL            3-7-4 (14)   2-7-4-6 (19)
 DARK BEAST                        1-6-5-7 (19)  May play any Beast Specials
 DAZZLER                           7-3-3-3 (16)  Reserve defend D w/Power Cards
 DEADPOOL             3-7-4 (14)   3-7-5-3 (18)  No Spect KO w/ M Power cards
 DEATHBIRD                         3-7-3-3 (16)  Shi'ar Sp, defend FL w/ Pc f R
 DEATHLOK                          4-5-5-6 (20)  "Luther Manning" from Reserve
 DOC SAMSON           1-2-7 (10)   2-2-7-6 (17)
 DOCTOR DOOM          7-6-6 (19)   5-3-4-8 (20)
    DOCTOR DOOM: 2099              5-3-6-7 (21)
 DR./DOCTOR OCTOPUS   3-6-5 (14)   2-5-6-7 (20)
 DR. STRANGE          8-2-3 (13)   8-3-2-6 (19)
 DOMINO               3-8-3 (14)   4-7-3-5 (19)  E Power cards +2 for defense
 DONALD PIERCE                     4-2-6-7 (19)  May play any Reavers Specials
 DOPPELGANGER         1-3-6 (10)   3-6-6-1 (16)  May play Spider-Man Specials
 DRACULA                           3-5-6-8 (22)
 ELEKTRA              2-6-5 (13)   2-7-4-4 (17)  No Spect KO w/ F Power cards
 THE ENFORCERS                     3-6-4-3 (16)  2 Specials Placed, not dups
 FALCON                            3-6-5-4 (18)  Place/play any F BasicUniverse
 FORGE                             5-5-3-7 (20)  Team Basic Universes +1
 GALACTUS             8-8-8 (24)    
 GAMBIT               6-5-4 (15)   6-6-4-4 (20)  May have dup "Charge Object"
 GHOST RIDER          6-5-6 (17)   6-6-6-2 (20)  Only Spect KO by 4 Power Types
 GOBLYN QUEEN                      7-5-2-5 (19)  Attacks w/ E Pc not shifted
 GREEN GOBLIN                      4-4-6-6 (20)  I Power cards +1 to attack
 GREY KING                         6-3-5-7 (21)
 THE HAND                          2-8-3-6 (19)
 HAVOK                             7-3-4-5 (19)  +1 attacks vs. Energy 7 or 8
    HAVOK: MUTANT X                7-3-4-5 (19)  +3 VT when a teammate is KO'd
 HAWKEYE              1-7-4 (12)   4-7-4-2 (17)  "Dynamite Delivery" from Resrv
 THE HELLFIRE CLUB                 6-4-4-7 (21)
 HENRY PYM                         3-4-3-7 (17)  M Power cards +2 for defense
 HEROES FOR HIRE                   2-7-8-4 (21)
 HOBGOBLIN            2-6-3 (11)   4-6-6-3 (19)  S Power cards +1 to attack
 HOLOCAUST                         7-2-6-2 (17)
 HULK                 2-4-8 (14)   1-3-8-6 (18)
    HULK: MR. FIX-IT               2-6-6-6 (20)  +1 attacks vs. Strength 7 or 8
 HUMAN TORCH          6-3-3 (12)   7-4-4-4 (19)  No Cum KO w/ E Power cards
    HUMAN TORCH: INVADERS          7-6-4-3 (20)
 HYDRA                             5-6-5-5 (21)  17-Points for Deckbuilding
 ICEMAN               7-3-4 (14)   7-4-4-3 (18)  May have dup "Snow Blind"
    ICEMAN: THE ICE-MAN            7-5-3-3 (18)  +1 VT each Hit Current Battle
 THE INHUMANS                      8-4-5-4 (21)
 INVISIBLE WOMAN      6-3-3 (12)   6-4-3-6 (19)  Team +2 to Venture Total
    INVISIBLE WOMAN: MALICE        7-6-4-2 (19)
 IRON MAN             7-6-6 (19)   5-3-7-7 (22)
    IRON MAN: ORIGINAL ARMOR       4-3-5-7 (19)  May have dup "Radar Warning"
 JEAN GREY            7-4-3 (14)   7-3-2-4 (16)  "Telepathic Unity" from Resrv
    JEAN GREY: DARK PHOENIX        8-4-6-3 (21)
 JUBILEE              6-3-1 (10)   6-4-2-4 (16)  May have dup "Blinding Flare"
 JUGGERNAUT           3-4-7 (14)   4-5-8-2 (19)
 KA-ZAR                            1-7-5-5 (18)  +1 attacks vs. Fighting 7 or 8
 KINGPIN                           2-4-5-6 (17)  Teamworks from Reserve
 THE KREE                          6-5-4-7 (22)
 LANDSLIDE                         6-4-6-2 (18)  Opp -3 VT when L's tmmate KO'd
 LEADER                            3-4-2-7 (16)  +2 defense "Twisted Mentality"
 LONGSHOT             4-7-3 (14)   3-7-4-3 (17)  Opp team -2 to Venture Total
 MAGGOT                            4-6-4-4 (18)  Play "Slugfest" from Reserve
 MAGNETO              8-1-2 (11)   8-5-3-6 (22)
 MANDARIN             6-5-3 (14)   7-4-3-5 (19)  F Power cards +2 for defense
 THE MARAUDERS                     7-7-3-2 (19)
 MARROW                            2-6-4-4 (16)  May have 1 Dup "Bone Snap"
 MAVERICK                          5-8-3-3 (19)
 MERCURY                           6-7-5-4 (22)
 MR. FANTASTIC        3-6-3 (12)   2-5-2-8 (17)
 MR. SINISTER         6-6-5 (17)   4-5-4-8 (21)
 MOJO                 5-6-2 (13)   6-3-1-6 (16)  M Power cards +1 to attack
 MOLE MAN                          4-4-2-6 (16)  +2 defense if "Social Outcast"
 MORBIUS              1-3-7 (11)   5-3-6-5 (19)  Only Cum KO by 30 or more pnts
 THE MORLOCKS                      6-3-8-2 (19)
 MORPH                1-6-3 (10)   4-5-3-6 (18)  No Spect KO w/ I Power cards
 MULTIPLE MAN                      6-6-3-3 (18)  May make 1/both followup to TW
 MYSTERIO             6-3-4 (13)   6-3-4-6 (19)  No Spect KO w/ E Power cards
 MYSTIQUE             6-4-2 (12)   5-6-3-6 (20)  F Power cards +1 to attack
 NAMOR                1-4-8 (13)   2-7-7-4 (20)
    NAMOR: SUB-MARINER             3-5-8-4 (20)
 NEW WARRIORS                      6-6-5-5 (22)  Draw 2 when KO'd. Keep Dups.
 NICK FURY                         3-7-4-6 (20)
 NIGHTCRAWLER         5-7-3 (15)   6-7-3-3 (19)
 OMEGA RED            2-6-4 (12)   6-7-5-2 (20)
 ONSLAUGHT                         8-2-6-7 (23)
 PHOENIX                           7-5-4-3 (19)  When KOd not discarded til eob
 POLARIS                           7-3-3-4 (17)  Attack w/ EPc while in Reserve
 POST                              1-6-4-6 (17)  May not be attackd by Location
 PROFESSOR X          8-2-1 (11)   8-2-1-7 (18)
 PSYCHO-MAN                        5-2-5-6 (18)  "Emotion Box" from Reserve
 PSYLOCKE             5-6-4 (15)   7-6-3-4 (20)
    PSYLOCKE: BETSY BRADDOCK       6-3-2-5 (16)  P's Basic Univ count Damage/VT
 PUNISHER             4-7-4 (15)   3-7-4-4 (18)  No Cum KO w/ F Power cards
 PUPPET MASTER                     6-3-1-6 (16)  "Alicia Masters" from Reserve
 QUICKSILVER          6-6-4 (16)   7-6-3-2 (18)
 RAPTURE                           5-7-2-3 (17)  +1 attack vs. Intellect 7 or 8
 THE REAVERS                       5-7-6-3 (21)
 RED SKULL                         3-5-4-7 (19)  No Cum KO w/ I Power cards
 REYES                             6-2-2-6 (16)  Intellect Rating 8 for defense
 RHINO                1-4-7 (12)   2-6-7-1 (16)
 ROGUE                5-3-7 (15)   4-4-7-2 (17)  No Spect KO w/ Specials
    ROGUE: B/HOOD OF EVIL MUTANTS  6-5-3-2 (16)  Not Cumulative KOd w/ Specials
 SABRA                             3-7-6-3 (19)
 SABRETOOTH           1-8-5 (14)   2-8-6-3 (19)
 SCARLET SPIDER       5-7-6 (18)   3-7-6-5 (21)
 SCARLET WITCH        6-4-4 (14)   7-3-2-5 (17)  Opp team -5 to V when KO'd
 SCORPION                          5-5-7-2 (19)  +1 attack if opp 4,5,6 Compltd
 SENTINELS            7-5-6 (18)   7-5-7-1 (20)
 THE SERPENT SOCIETY               3-6-6-3 (18)  May play Tactics from Reserve
 SHADOW KING                       7-1-1-7 (16)
 SHADOWCAT                         6-3-3-6 (18)  May have dup "Ghostly Phase"
    SHADOWCAT: AGE OF APOCALYPSE   6-6-3-3 (18)  Attack Reserve w/I or S Power
 SHANG CHI: MASTER OF KUNG FU      2-7-5-5 (19)  "Elixir Vitae" from Reserve
 SHE HULK             2-5-7 (14)   1-4-7-5 (17)  May have dup "Public Defender"
 THE SHI'AR                        5-4-3-8 (20)
 SILVER SABLE         2-6-5 (13)   4-6-2-6 (18)  F Teamworks from Reserve
 SILVER SURFER        7-4-5 (16)   7-3-6-5 (21)
 SPIDER-GIRL                       4-6-5-3 (18)  Attk w/Pc not defend Activator
 SPIDER-MAN           6-7-6 (19)   3-7-6-5 (21)
 SPIDER-WOMAN         4-2-6 (12)   6-3-6-4 (19)  E Power cards +1 to attack
 THE STARJAMMERS                   3-7-4-5 (19)  2 Power cards Placed, not dups
 STORM                7-4-3 (14)   7-5-3-4 (19)  I Power cards +2 for defense
    STORM: BLOODSTORM              7-6-5-3 (21)
    STORM: NEUTRALIZED             1-6-4-5 (16)  May play any Morlocks non-OPD
 STRONG GUY           4-4-6 (14)   3-4-7-3 (17)  "Pile It On" from Reserve
 SUNFIRE                           7-5-4-4 (20)  "Solar Flare" from Reserve
 SUPER SKRULL         5-3-7 (15)   6-4-7-4 (21)
 SUPERPATRIOT                      3-6-7-2 (18)  Play Captain America Specials
 TASKMASTER                        3-7-4-5 (19)  Use I Pc to avoid any F attack
 TEAM X                            5-7-6-5 (23)  nonOPD Wolv,Sabre,Mav Specials
 THING                1-4-8 (13)   1-5-8-3 (17)
 THOR                 4-3-6 (13)   7-5-7-4 (23)
 THUNDERBIRD                       2-6-7-3 (18)
 THUNDERBOLTS                      7-5-4-6 (22)
 TYPHOID MARY                      5-7-3-2 (17)  Attacks w/ F Pc not shifted
 VENOM                6-6-7 (19)   5-6-7-2 (20)
 VISION               5-5-6 (16)   5-4-6-6 (21)  "Android Endurance" from Resrv
 WAR MACHINE          4-3-7 (14)   5-4-7-3 (19)
 WARLOCK                           7-6-4-6 (23)
 WHITE QUEEN                       7-2-2-6 (17)
 WOLVERINE            2-8-4 (14)   2-8-5-4 (19)
    WOLVERINE, GOLDEN AGE          3-7-4-5 (19)  May play Wolverine Specials
 X-BABIES                          5-5-4-1 (15)  Not S/C KO'd with Power cards
 X-MAN                             8-3-3-3 (17)
 X-MEN: ORIGINAL TEAM              7-2-4-5 (18)  May play any Professor X OPD
 XAOS                              7-4-4-1 (16)  Draw 1 when X's teammate KO'd

Character List Source:

O`ver*pow"er (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overpowered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Overpowering.]

To excel or exceed in power; to cause to yield; to vanquish; to subdue; as, the light overpowers the eyes.

"And overpower'd that gallant few."


Syn. -- To overbear; overcome; vanquish; defeat; crush; overwhelm; overthrow; rout; conquer; subdue.


© Webster 1913.

O"ver*pow`er, n.

A dominating power.



© Webster 1913.

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