Sometimes when you do things people just don't
understand them and get
upset. Often times this leads to
confusionon your part and if the problem persists a feeling of
frustration can build up.
When people question your actions and missunderstand them it gets the point where you question yourself and end up in an
unhealthy mental state.
There are only so many ways to deal with this problem and they usually only lead to more
conflict both within yourself and with everyone around you and if the people around you are having the same problem then nothing gets solved and things go
downhill until the
powder keg of depression is
ignited and an
emotional explosion occurs.
This has happened to me so many times that now I tend to question all my thoughts and actions so severely that nothing gets accomplished at all.
All I can figure to do is to ignore how I make other people feel and distance myself from the people I care about so I don't hurt them.