user since
Sun Apr 23 2000 at 03:42:51 (24.4 years ago )
last seen
Thu May 31 2001 at 03:10:31 (23.3 years ago )
number of write-ups
12 - View mary magdalen's writeups (feed)
level / experience
2 (Acolyte) / 653
mission drive within everything
Girls just wanna have fun...
I write poetry and pretend to know stuff.
what fun is a house if you can't write on the walls?
most recent writeup
Why she stopped crying
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I'm nice most of the time.
I don't eat meat- that means I'm a vegetarian.
I write, and that is what I intend to do for the rest of my life.
I'll tell you more about myself as the news comes in.
Oh, and I sing. I've been told that I'm not to bad at it, so if I suddenly forget how to write the English language, I might fall back on singing.