After making an appearence in the
short-term memory(STM), data can either be lost for good or saved in your long-term memory(LTM). The LTM has no known limits to the amount of information it can hold, and a healthy brain should store memories for as long as it exists.
Memories can be 'lost' even to a fully functioning brian thru interference (both proactive interference and retroactive interference).
Two commonly reconized types of episodic LTM are flashbulb memories and Autobiographical memory or schemas.
Flashbulb memories are memories of specific events or things, and despite their name can be of events that last over a long period of time. Your memory of your last birthday, or your memory of what you were doing when you first heard of E2 would be examples of this.
Schemas are memories of how common events go. You can probaly reconstruct what you ate for lunch a week ago by thinking about what you would normaly do for lunch and building around that. Because the schema is based on what is common, you might switch something more 'average' for an actual memory. This is called repisodic memory.
Besides Episodic Memory you also have Semantic Memory, which is your memories of systems and facts. This is where you store data on how to read, count, and reconize 132 different types of coffee.