A localized patch of abnormal thickening and
whitening on the tongue, the lining of the mouth, the lips, or the genital area. Affected
areas may be yellowish
white and leathery. The
lesions may be precancerous. By the time pain is present, there is
usually an advanced lesion.
Leukoplakia may result from chronic irritation in the mouth caused by tobacco, highly seasoned food,
alcoholic drinks, excessive heat, trauma, jagged teeth, or dentures. The first step in treatment is to
remove the cause of the irritation. Good oral
hygiene must be established.
Early, thin leukoplakia that fails to respond to conservative measures should be removed completely after a biopsy has been performed. Larger lesions may
require more than one
operation for surgical removal.
Regular reexamination of treated
areas is advisable in case there is a
serious recurrence.
Leukoplakia can also occur in the vulvar or vaginal area in women or on the penis in men.