I think I am one of these.

"Demiboy" is a term that is kind of dependent on the one who uses it, though it's not as flexible as pan or bi. From what I've seen, it's a sort of fusion dance between being enby and just being a man. It can be used by those who are genderfluid and vary between using they/them pronouns and he/him, but I don't know if that really applies to me.

The best way I've heard it described is when you're not a girl, you're not an enby, but you're just not quite a guy either. When you're in between enby and man.

I've never really cared about what people call me (unless it's derogatory), and especially what they think of me. If you see me as a dude, that's cool. If you thought I was a woman, rock on, man!

I will admit, a certain part of me would like to go by she/her.

Another, stronger, part, wants they/them.

A part stronger than the former but a bit weaker than the latter wants he/him.

So I just put it as any/all. But that also doesn't feel right. People still treat me as just a guy.

And I perfectly understand why!

I am a cis male, as far as I am aware. Apart from maybe wanting a bit of HRT or the like to look more androgynous, my body is staying the way it is now.

But still, I want to be called something different every now and then. I don't really care that much because it's an everyday thing, and as dumb as it is to say, I feel I'm a bit unique in some way, and I don't know how to express that, or how I want others to address it.


Either way, I felt we needed some of that new-wave Gen Z Pride out here on E2, especially during October- or as I like to call it, C.... nevermind. I don't even have a boyfriend anyways.

Stay saucy, y'all.

Nuggets out.

Drops mic, winks at a male audience member, then a female audience member, then walks off.

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