user since
Thu Jun 10 1999 at 11:55:21 (25.3 years ago )
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this morning
around 3:00am
on the 11th of June
1999 I stood in a subway tunnel...
there i watched a man watching another man sleeping on the ground.

The sleeping man was splayed out like he was dead. He could have been.
Then I saw. a kitten sized rat
scurry out
and nibble on a bit of food that MUST have been sitting right by the sleeping man.
i can't be for sure tho'.
therat could have very well been nibbling on the man.
the whole novel was unfolding at a weird angle.
A.t no time did this narrative seem
out of place
or wierd. I find that to be a little wierd.
or maybe I'm just a wee bit callous?
beatnig 061199.