user since
Sat Jan 18 2003 at 03:33:19 (22.2 years ago )
last seen
Tue Apr 15 2003 at 19:35:41 (21.9 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
anime, 420
inbetween purposes
smoke it if you got it!
Send private message to babyraver

i'm still trying to figure this craaaazy place out! "^_^"

Thanks to Ælien for selling me this site!!! (What do I mean by "selling"? You salesman you! You know what I speak of! *poke*)

And yes.... I'm female... definately female. "^_^"

420 chics are cool. *wink*

Don't worry... more will be added here later. *smile*

Some of my interests include, but are not limited to:

420, animals, animaniacs, anime, art, asp, bishoujo senshi sailor moon, bob marley, caffeine, california, cartoons, cats, cheesy movies, clamp, comics, computers, creativity, dancing, djs, drawing, dreams, f0rge, final fantasy, friends, fushigi yuugi, ghost in the shell, gigglecam, hentai, honesty, hong kong cinema, house music, j-pop, japan, jimi hendrix, journey, jungle, k-pop, kao ani, kite, korea, lain, learning, los angeles, manga, martial arts, mountain dew, movies, murrieta, mushies, music, neil gaiman, neon genesis evangelion, nightime, an open mind, pagan, parties, paul oakenfold, perfect blue, phantom of the opera, playstation, programming, psychology, rain, raves, reading, role playing games, roses, rurouni kenshin, seth green, sims, sleeping, snow, snowboarding, social psychology, spirituality, swing music, taoism, techno, theatre, thomas michael, toys, trance music, vampyres, video games, video girl ai, web development, weed, wicca, x/1999