user since
Sat Jul 28 2001 at 15:17:14 (23.7 years ago )
last seen
Tue Apr 15 2014 at 22:09:24 (10.9 years ago )
number of write-ups
155 - View WolfKeeper's writeups (feed)
level / experience
6 (Artificer) / 2123
C!s spent
software, space, science
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.
most recent writeup
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7 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
2C! Why I'm glad the space shuttle blew up 1
1C! Why guys care if their partner spits or swallows 2
4C! space elevator 3
Occam's Razor 4
caught masturbating 5
Transmeta 6
1C! Rockbitch 7

7 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 (tied) Roton
1 (tied) Normal Hypothesis
1 (tied) NIAC
1 (tied) rectenna
1 (tied) friction circle
6 (tied) rotorcraft
6 (tied) Geo
6 (tied) ammd
6 (tied) reversible computation
6 (tied) radiatively cooled engine
6 (tied) Hydrodynamic Bearing
6 (tied) Kings of the High Frontier
6 (tied) VTVL
6 (tied) Rocket Equation

7 Highest Goodness Writeups
poll tax (tied) 1
Challenger (tied) 1
rocket (tied) 1
1C! Ion Drive (tied) 1
hash (tied) 1
Fuzzy orbit (tied) 1
1C! lunar rotovator (tied) 1
rear wheel drive (tied) 1
1C! Teacher who meant a lot (tied) 1
1C! Wi-Fi (in)security (tied) 1
Fisher Space Pen (tied) 1
1C! self (tied) 1
Gossamer Albatross (tied) 1
Mach diamonds (tied) 1
High Earth Orbit (tied) 1
Gravity assist (tied) 1
Long-EZ (tied) 1
1C! wireless network capacity (tied) 1
front wheel drive (tied) 1
Delta Clipper (DC-X) (tied) 1
Blue Streak (tied) 1
Gerard K. O'Neill (tied) 1
Dynamo (tied) 1
VASIMR (tied) 1
SSTO (tied) 1
De Laval nozzle (tied) 1
solar panel (tied) 1
solar steamer (tied) 1
Spindizzy (tied) 1
One and a Half Stages to Orbit (tied) 1
space mining (tied) 1
Bimese (tied) 1
electromagnetic tether (tied) 1
direct sequence (tied) 1
coil gun (tied) 1
Diamagnetic (tied) 1
SPS (tied) 1
tripropellent (tied) 1
regeneratively cooled rocket (tied) 1
understeer (tied) 1
propellent (tied) 1
Eccentric Exercise (tied) 1
IEEE802.11b (tied) 1
Orbital Transfer Vehicle (tied) 1
M2P2 (tied) 1
bipropellant (tied) 1
magnetic solar sail (tied) 1
Beal Aerospace (tied) 1
random sort (tied) 1
Behind the eight ball (tied) 1
1C! MindStore (tied) 1
Deimos (tied) 1
Body Building (tied) 1
delta-v (tied) 1
ramrocket (tied) 1
TSTO (tied) 1
Nuclear Steamer (tied) 1
MPD (tied) 1
rotorcraft (tied) 1
Geo (tied) 1
reversible computation (tied) 1
radiatively cooled engine (tied) 1
Hydrodynamic Bearing (tied) 1
Kings of the High Frontier (tied) 1
Rocket Equation (tied) 1
Roton (tied) 1
Normal Hypothesis (tied) 1
NIAC (tied) 1
rectenna (tied) 1
friction circle (tied) 1

7 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 omw
2 holy anorak
3 Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky
4 (tied) VTHL
4 (tied) turbopump
4 (tied) HTOL
4 (tied) TimeWarping

7 Most Reputable Writeups
4C! space elevator 1
2C! Why I'm glad the space shuttle blew up 2
1C! Why guys care if their partner spits or swallows 3
Occam's Razor 4
1C! Cartercopter 5
hash table 6
3C! Skylon (tied) 7
poll tax (tied) 7

7 Least Reputable Writeups
1 omw
2 (tied) holy anorak
2 (tied) VTHL
2 (tied) turbopump
2 (tied) HTOL
2 (tied) TimeWarping
2 (tied) ammd
2 (tied) VTVL