A make-believe city in the world of Britannia (also known as Sosaria) from the CRPG setting of the computer game Ultima.

From Casino Royale, James Bond's "special martini," named after Vesper Lynd (after asking her permission), and sometimes referred to as a Vesper martini even if it does lack vermouth, one of the defining elements of a traditional martini.

Bond: You know, I think I'll call that a "Vesper."

Vesper Lynd: Because of the bitter aftertaste?

Bond: No. Because once you've tasted it, it's all you want to drink.

The three most ubiquitous recipes for this adult beverage are:

James Bond (Ivar Bryce via Ian Fleming): "Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel."
International Bartenders Association (IBA): Pour 45 ml gin, 15 ml vodka, and 7.5 ml Lillet Blanc into a cocktail shaker filled with ice cubes. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon zest.
Esquire: "Shake (if you must) with plenty of cracked ice. 3 oz Tanqueray gin, 1 oz 100-proof Stolichnaya vodka, 1⁄2 oz Lillet Blanc, 1⁄8 teaspoon (or less) quinine powder or, in desperation, 2 dashes of bitters. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and twist a large swatch of thin-cut lemon peel over the top."

Got it?

"The Vesper…It sounds perfect and it's very appropriate to the violet hour when my cocktail will now be drunk all over the world."
-- James Bond


for wertperch

Ves"per (?), n. [L., the evening, the evening star, the west; akin to Gr. , , and perhaps to E. west. Cf. Hesperian, Vespers.]

The evening star; Hesper; Venus, when seen after sunset; hence, the evening.



© Webster 1913.

Ves"per, a.

Of or pertaining to the evening, or to the service of vespers; as, a vesper hymn; vesper bells.

Vesper sparrow, the grass finch. See under Grass.


© Webster 1913.

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