Warning: It may be helpful to know chess notation and some chess terminology before engaging this write up.

The Life of the British GM

Anthony "Tony" James Miles was a strong Grandmaster in chess. He was born April 23 1955 in Britain. He was introduced to chess at the age of five. In 1968, he won the British under 14 title. His chess rapidly improved and in 1973, he was a silver medalist in the Junior World Championships at Teeside. He resolved to win the next year. Miles received his Grandmaster title in 1976 in Dubna, USSR becoming Britain's first Grandmaster. The same year, he tied the world's number two player in a tournament in Amsterdam. After this he decided, "The only thing left is to have a go at Anatoly Karpov."

The two Grandmasters met in Skara, Sweden in 1980 at the European Team Championships. Miles took an unusual risk and replied to 1.e4 with 1...a6!? The defense would later be called the St. George Defense. The spectators laughed, but Miles still won the game. This win tied the British team with the Russians for first place. For once Britain was considered a top chess country. He played Karpov many times after that game. More often than not the result was a draw, but Miles managed to win once more against the reigning world champion.

Miles' highest point in his chess career was his success in a top-class tournament in Tilburg in 1984. He was best by one and a half points, topping three world champion candidates. Though Miles became one of the top ten strongest players in the world, he was never high enough to compete for the championship. However, he took on Garry Kasparov in an exhibition event where he lost five games to the World Champion. He exclaimed, "I thought I was playing a world champion, not a monster with 22 eyes who sees everything."

Tony Miles was the best player Britain had ever produced. He changed nationalities, briefly representing USA and Australia, but he eventually returned to his homeland where he will always be recognized as the man who inspired modern British players to reach international heights. Tony Miles died in his sleep November 12, 2001 at the age of 46.

Famous Games

Karpov - Miles Skara 1980
1.e4 a6!?
2.d4 b5
3.Nf3 Bb7
4.Bd3 Nf6
5.Qe2 e6
6.a4 c5!?
7.dxc5 Bxc5
8.Nbd2 b4
9.e5 Nd5
10.Ne4 Bb7
11.0-0 Nc6
12.Bd2 Qc7
13.c4 bxc3
14.Nxc3 Nxc3
15.Bxc3 Nb4!
16.Bxb4 Bxb4
17.Rac1 Qb6
18.Be4 0-0

w=white b=black p=pawn R=rook N=knight B=bishop Q=queen K=king

    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H
8 | bR |    |    |    |    | bR | bK |    |
7 |    | bB |    | bp |    | bp | bp | bp |
6 | bp | bQ |    |    | bp |    |    |    |
5 |    |    |    |    | wp |    |    |    |
4 | wp | bB |    |    | bB |    |    |    |
3 |    |    |    |    |    | bN |    |    |
2 |    | wp |    |    | wQ | wp | wp | wp |
1 |    |    | wR |    |    | wR | wK |    |

The critical position. Eric Schiller believes that Karpov could have won using the Greek Gift. He gives the variation 19.Bxh7+ KxB 20.Ng5+ Kg6 21.Qg4 f5 22.Qg3 Qd4 23.Nxe6+! Qg4 24.Nxf8+ Rxf8 25.Qxg4+ fxg4 26.Rc4 a5 27.Rxg4+. White has a rook and three pawns for two pieces. He has the advantage.

19.Ng5 h6
20.Bh7+!? Kh8
21.Bb1 Be7
22.Ne4 Rac8
23.Qd3? Rxc1
24.Rxc1 Qxb2

Black is simply up a pawn. The rest is easy.

25.Re1 Qxe5
26.Qxd7 Bb4
27.Re3 Qd5
28.Qxd5 Bxd5
29.Nc3 Rc8
30.Ne2 g5
31.h4 Kg7
32.hxg5 hxg5
33.Bd3 a5
34.Rg3 Kf6
35.Rg4 Bd6
36.Kf1 Be5
37.Ke1 Rh8
38.f4 gxf4
39.Nxf4 Bc6
40.Ne2 Rh1+
41.Kd2 Rh2
42.g3 Bf3
43.Rg8 Rg2
44.Ke1 Bxe2
45.Bxe2 Rxg3

white resigns

Gerusel - Miles Porz, 1981

1.d4 Nc6!?

This defense is unnamed but has potential to transpose into know defenses such as the Chigorin Defense.

2.d5 Ne5
3.e4 e6
4.f4 Ng6
5.Nf3 exd5
6.exd5 Bc5
w=white b=black p=pawn R=rook N=knight B=bishop Q=queen K=king

    A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H
8 | bR |    | bB | bQ | bK |    | bN | bR |
7 | bp | bp | bp | bp |    | bp | bp | bp |
6 |    |    |    |    |    |    | bN |    |
5 |    |    | bB | wp |    |    |    |    |
4 |    |    |    |    |    | wp |    |    |
3 |    |    |    |    |    | wN |    |    |
2 | wp | wp | wp |    |    |    | wp | wp |
1 | wR | wN | wB | wQ | wK | wB |    | wR |

Miles claims that white is already lost for he has no place to put his king.

7.Qd3 d6
8.Be2 Nf6
9.Nc3 0-0
10.Bd2 Ng4!

Stops 0-0-0

11.Nd1 Re8
12.h3 Nf6
13.g4 Ne4
14.Rh2 Nh4!

Allows the queen to enter the attack

15.Ng5 Nxg5
16.fxg5 Qe7
17.Qg3 Bg1!

If 18.Qxg1 then Nf3+ wins the queen

18.Rf2 Bxf2+
19.Qxf2 Qe4
20.Ne3 Qh1+
21.Bf1 Nf3+
22.Kd1 Nxg5

white resigns

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