There have been several editions of this theological Catholic text; the one I am referring to here the 1964 English version released by The Bruce Publishing Company and written/translated by Philip T. Weller, Priest of the Diocese of La Crosse and Assistant Professor of Theology at Loyola University in Chicago. It should be noted that the '64 text is a vernacular translation of the Latin version available at the time and, due to extensive papal revisions in the 1970s, is not the same as the normative version currently in use by the Western Church.
This out-of-print book contains exhaustive information (aimed at priests) on all manner of rituals used in Roman Catholic ceremonies. You'll find information on baptisms, communion, preparing holy water, penance, matrimony, last rites, liturgies, exorcisms, sacraments, and blessings.
The book is fascinating reading for anyone interested in spirituality/religion, perhaps particularly so if you aren't familiar with Catholicism. Within this book are instructions on how to bless practically any person, creature, or object imaginable.
For instance:
Strangely, though, there is no information in this edition on blessing housecats; I have been told that cat blessings are very popular in parts of Mexico.
Apostolic Constitution of Pope Paul V on the Roman Ritual
The Holy Sacraments, introduction and general rules
Baptism, introduction and general rules
Rite for baptism of children
Baptism of adults, introduction and general rules
Norms for new rite for baptism of adults
Rite for baptism of adults
Rite for supplying of ceremonies omitted in baptism
Rite for baptism administered by a bishop
Blessing of baptismal water
Confirmation, introduction and general rules
Rite for confirmation apart from danger of death
Rite for confirmation in danger of death
Holy Eucharist, introduction and general rules
Rite for holy communion outside of Mass
Communion during Eastertime
Communion for the sick, general rules
Rite for communion for the sick
Rules for celebrating Mass more than once the same day
Mass celebrated by a blind priest
Forty Hours' Adoration
Penance, introduction and general rules
Common form for absolution
Rite for absolving from excommunication
General absolution and papal blessing for religious
Papal blessing for secular tertiaries
Rite for absolving from suspension or interdict apart from
sacramental confession
Anointing of the Sick, introduction and general rules
Rite for anointing of the sick
Visit and care of the sick
Spiritual assistance to the dying
Apostolic blessing at the hour of death
Rite for commending a departing soul
Prayers at the moment of death
Matrimony, introduction and general rules
Rite for celebrating marriage within Mass
Rite for celebrating marriage apart from Mass
Mixed marriage
Celebration of a silver or golden wedding
Solemn engagement or betrothal
Holy Orders: priesthood, introduction
Rite for ordination of priests
The Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany of the Saints
Liturgy for the Faithful Departed, introduction and general rules
Rite for burial of adults
Exequies when the body is not present
Rite for burial of children
Blessings and other sacramentals, introduction and general rules
Blessings for special days and feasts
Blessings of persons
Blessings of animals
Blessings of places not designated for sacred purposes
Blessings of places designated for sacred purposes
Blessings of things designated for sacred purposes
Blessings of things designated for ordinary use
Processions, general rules
Rites for processions
Exorcism, introduction and general rules
Rite for exorcism
Exorcism of Satan and the Fallen Angels
Blessings formerly reserved to religious orders
Appendix: reception of converts; itinerarium;
prayers at meals; oath against modernism