The Music Machine

"A Musical Adventure Teaching the Fruit of the Spirit to All Ages"

"The Music Machine" was originally a record copyrighted in 1977. A tape of the record was then made, and a children's film as well, though the content was somewhat altered for this version. The various media versions feature a variety of upbeat songs that teach the value in Paul's words of Galatians 5:22-23 "…the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control.<\p>

The story begins with two children, awakening in Agape Land. They meet the Conductor, who shows them the Music Machine. "Put something in it and a song comes out" is one of the lines in the machine's introductory songs, so, naturally, the children do. They start with the conductor's whistle, a smile, and a piece of string. Then the real business starts: the Conductor puts the verse from Galatians into the machine. A string of wonderful songs is produced that take up the rest of the album. <\p>

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