I once made the mistake of getting (from the library, mind you)
this book by John Searle, thinking its topic might be similar to that
of The Social Construction of Reality. Having read other books by
Searle before, I don't know why I should have expected this, but I
did. The thesis of the book is that the real, objective
collective intention of people in society can create real,
objective social facts. I can sympathize with the
intent and intension of the book, but the claims are too
strong. Also, I don't find the notion of collective intention (which
requires each participant to have the intention "We
intend FOO") as easy to believe as David Lewis's notion of
convention (which is not framed in terms of intention---but if it
were, it could be described as requiring each participant to have
the intention "I intend FOO, and I believe that most of
us also intend FOO") that compelling. Add to this
my general distaste for theories that appear to have ontology for
ontology's sake, stir vigourously, and you have a book I can't
stop not reading.