A roll in general percussion terms is usually described as a double stroke roll in duple meter, ie:
RR  LL  RR  LL  |  RR  LL  RR  LL ||
                |                 ||
1   &   2   &   |  1   &   2   &  ||

These would be evenly spaced out at a 16th note pace, or in larger time denominations, 32nd or 8th notes, depending. A single stroke roll is the version of the double stroke roll played with alternating strokes. A split roll is when a roll is split into single strokes between two people, usually the top two members of a bass drum line playing the highest pitched drums:
Tempo = quarter note = 150
2/4 time

(sixlets)     (sixlets in 2s)  (split rolls)

ooo   ooo     |oo   oo   oo   | o o o o   o o o o ||
   ooo    ooo |  oo    oo   oo|  o o o o   o o o o||

|__6__| |__6__||__6__| |__6__|  |___8___| |___8___|

1   &   2   & ||1   &   2   & ||1    &    2      &||    

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